Humanitarian Situation Update #175 | West Bank

Key Highlights

  • More than 500 Palestinians and 12 Israelis have been killed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, since 7 October.  

  • About 280 olive and fig trees and 580 grape vine trees were vandalized by Israeli settlers in seven communities across the West Bank during the week-long reporting period. 

  • A Palestinian family in the Batn Al Hawa area of Silwan, in East Jerusalem, faces the risk of imminent forced displacement after the Israeli Supreme Court rejected their appeal against eviction.  

  • The DCO checkpoint, one of the main entrances to Ramallah and Al Bireh cities, was re-opened for the first time in eight months.

    Read the full report.

This was the home of a family in the Ras al ‘Amud area of East Jerusalem. The family was forced to demolish it following orders by Israeli authorities citing lack of a building permit, which is rarely granted for Palestinians. Photo by OCHA