The Alliance for Water Justice in Palestine asks for financial support just once a year.
This year we responded to the escalating brutality that Israel inflicts on Palestinians by deepening our organizing and expanding the reach and the content of our message: access to water should never be used as a weapon.
We work through advocacy and education—locally, nationally, and internationally. In the coming year we plan to build connections with U.S. communities facing water injustice to form collaborative relationships.
We plan to become involved in the Nationwide Water Shutoff Moratorium’s campaign to protect people against water shut-offs for failure to pay water bills during the pandemic. Water is a human right!
Here’s some of what we’ve been doing in the past year:
We sent out weekly Water Facts for four years; we now send bi-weekly Briefs with a water fact and a critical summary of the current impact of the Occupation on Palestinians and U.S. complicity, providing a historical context. We are also exposing the heightened difficulties of daily life in Palestine during the global health crisis. An estimated 4,500 people receive the Briefs via email, Twitter, Facebook, and our website.
Our social media presence has grown in numbers and influence. We have 2,700 Twitter followers and over 800 Facebook friends. More than 2,000 people have visited our website this year, 65% from the U.S. and the rest from 85 different countries. Our website blog is updated weekly.
The Alliance educated the Massachusetts congressional delegation about the role of water in Israel’s annexation plans. As a member of JAG (Joint Advocacy Taskforce), we urged our delegation to oppose the annexation and to condition U.S. military aid on it. With other Palestine solidarity groups, we created a statewide network currently named MA Against Annexation. Nearly two dozen groups have already joined this campaign.
We held numerous standouts in Boston and vicinity, participated in international Palestinian rights visibility campaigns, protested with university students against an anti-Palestinian-rights speaker, co-organized a public event about water discrimination with local and Indigenous groups (canceled due to the coronavirus), and accepted many requests for co-sponsorship of events and statements.
Although we are an all-volunteer organization, we rely on donations to pay for updating our website, tweeting, and for the design and production of leaflets, signs and banners.
We thank you for your consideration of this annual request and for your steadfast commitment to Palestinian freedom.
The Alliance
Donations are 100% tax-deductible. You can give here through the website.
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