Humanitarian Situation Update #184 | Gaza Strip

Key Highlights

  • A high risk of famine persists in the Gaza Strip, a new IPC analysis finds.

  • At least 60,000 people were displaced from Gaza City and 5,000 from Al Mawasi area of Rafah overnight, according to initial estimates by the Site Management Working Group.

  • Twenty-one children suffering from cancer leave Gaza in first medical evacuation since early May; according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza, about 10,000 cancer patients, including nearly 1,000 children, require medical evacuation.

  • Critical water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services are hanging by a thread due to severe fuel shortages, warns the WASH Cluster.

Read the full report.

Piles of waste alongside the tents of displaced people in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip. Photo: UNICEF, Iyad El Baba